She Loves to Plan - by Monique Sveinsson


Monique Sveinsson

Today’s episode is all about batching! I will be explaining how batch preparation, or batch organisation can help you in your business but also in your personal life and the process of batching!

  • We are approaching a very busy time of year in business and batching can really help you with launching new products or with special offers for Black Friday and Christmas!
  • Batching content helps you to stay organised and one step ahead of the game so that nothing is left behind and no nasty surprises come our way.
  • Also don’t think that batch preparation is strictly for business, this time of year with kids being at school and having activities but also Halloween prep and Christmas, batching can help everyone!
  • You may already be batch preparing without even knowing it – Meal prep!
  • Batch preparing your social media WILL save you time! At first it may feel like you are spending more time on it but when you sit down, eliminate distractions and just focus on writing copy, the inspiration will just flow!
  • ‘You wouldn’t wash up two plates and then leave the rest for later, you would wash up everything that needed to be washed up’ – this principle can be used in your business!
  • What I batch prepare for: Social Media, Podcast episodes, Reels, Blogs, Copywriting, Meals, 
  • The doors have opened !!! Join the Goal Getters Academy today. You'll soon see with the right strategy in place that goal setting does work, you just need to know what to do and how to do it. I'm here to help you. every Goal needs a plan!


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